
I’m a 30-something guy with a strong interest in math, science, and technology.

I have a B.Sc. (2005) in geophysics from the University of Calgary, with a minor in applied mathematics.  As such, I’m what APEGA calls a Geophysicist-in-Training.  Additionally, I spent two years (2009-11) studying environmental technology at SAIT Polytechnic.  I wanted to get a baseline understanding of some basic environmental technologies, methods, and practices to help me better understand emerging problems, as well as what might be done to solve (or at least mitigate) them.

While my motivation for studying environmental technology was the application of geophysics to environmental problems, I learned much more than I ever anticipated.  In particular, I found myself strongly drawn to hydrogeology, with an interest in water chemistry as well.  An advantage of this is that hydrogeologic studies often involve geophysical methods.  The draw to hydrogeology and hydrology should not really be surprising given my background in geophysics.  While we only just scratched the surface of the field, I am very excited and interested in it.  I know that there is a lot of modelling, mathematics, physics, and other goodness involved, and that makes me a happy boy!  Now I only have to get there….

My interests, as you may have guessed, are varied and many.  I like things such as…

  • math, science, and technology
  • gardening (both for aesthetics and for food)
  • electronics (the variety that involves circuits, tinkering/hacking with hardware)
  • construction/building (DIY can be fun)
  • ham radio
  • cooking
  • hiking, cycling
  • GPS and GIS technology (making maps is fun)
  • geocaching (I’ve been out of the game for a while, but will hopefully be back soon)

and much, much more (like most people).

So that’s a basic introduction.  I’m sure you’ll learn a lot more about me as I post more articles on varied topics.


That reminds me: I like beer, too 🙂